





  德克萨斯大学医学博士安德森癌症中心(MD安德森)转化分子病理学系的Kadara实验室开设了癌症免疫学博士后研究员(博士、MD或MD/博士)。该小组积极参与了解肺癌表型发展中宿主免疫结构的演变,尤其是那些Kras癌基因中具有体细胞激活突变的肺癌。候选博士后研究员还将参与研究基因组学、免疫原性和免疫提示在肺肿瘤前病变发展及其进展为恶性肿瘤中的作用。在实现这些目标的过程中,实验室与MD Anderson和其他研究机构的不同研究人员合作,使用暴露于烟草致癌物的转基因人类相关小鼠模型以及人体组织样本。博士后研究员将有机会与包括癌症生物学、致癌、预防、基因组学、免疫原性学和生物信息学在内的各个领域的基础科学家、内科医生和内科医生组成的多学科团队进行互动。申请人必须在过去一年内获得毕业证书,或即将毕业。候选人必须接受免疫学和/或癌症免疫学方面的正式培训。高度鼓励优秀的科学写作和表达技能。

  感兴趣的候选人应将简历和三份推荐人名单连同联系方式发送给Humam Kadara博士(eibanez@mdanderson.org)。


  ·         The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center

  Job Description

  The Kadara laboratory in the Department of Translational Molecular Pathology at The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center (MD Anderson) has an opening for a postdoctoral fellow (PhD, MD or MD/PhD) in cancer immunology. The group is actively engaged in understanding the evolution of the host immune contexture in the phenotypic development of lung cancers particularly those with somatic activating mutations in the KRAS oncogene. The candidate postdoctoral fellow will also be engaged in interrogating the role of genomic, immunogenomic and immune cues in the development of lung preneoplasia and their progression to malignancy. In delivering these goals, the laboratory uses genetically modified human-relevant mouse models with tobacco carcinogen exposure as well as human tissue specimens in collaboration with various investigators at MD Anderson and other institutes. The postdoctoral fellow will have the opportunity to interact with a multidisciplinary team of basic scientists, physicians and physician scientists in various fields including cancer biology, carcinogenesis, prevention, genomics, immunogenomics and bioinformatics. The candidate must have obtained their terminal degree within the past year, or are near graduation. Candidates must have formal training in immunology and/or cancer immunology. Excellent scientific writing and presentation skills are highly encouraged.

  Interested candidates should send their CV and list of three references with their contact information to Dr. Humam Kadara (eibanez@mdanderson.org ).

