







  休斯顿卫理公会癌症中心/研究所(Houston Methodist Cancer Center/Research Institute)的一个繁忙、资金充足的研究实验室正在寻找博士后级别的积极、充满活力、以研究为导向的个人,加入致力于肿瘤生物学和肿瘤免疫学研究的科学家团队。我们的实验室致力于开发新型的T细胞和抗体免疫疗法(Yang等人,Cancer Cell 2006;Lu等人,J Clin Invest 2012;Ma等人,J Exp Med 2018;Lu等人,Cancer Cell 2018),并研究肿瘤微环境对化疗和免疫疗法反应的重要性(Yang等人,Cancer Cell 2007;Liu等人,B.Lood 2014;Zheng等人,J Natl Cancer Inst 2016,Bi等人,J Clin Invest 2018),多发性骨髓瘤或其他癌症。理想的候选人有责任心,工作努力,有独立工作的能力。有关我们研究的详细信息,请访问:https://www.houstonmethodist.org/faculty/qing yi/)。


  Title: Postdoctoral Positions

  Institution: Houston Methodist Cancer Center/Research Institute

  Location: Houston, TX

  PI: Dr. Qing Yi

  A busy, well-funded research laboratory in the Houston Methodist Cancer Center/Research Institute is seeking highly motivated, energetic, research-oriented individuals at the postdoctoral level to join a team of scientists dedicated to conducting research on tumor biology and tumor immunology. Our laboratory focuses on developing novel T-cell and antibody-based immunotherapies (Yang et al, Cancer Cell 2006; Lu et al, J Clin Invest 2012; Ma et al, J Exp Med 2018, Lu et al, Cancer Cell 2018) and investigating the importance of tumor microenvironment in responses to chemotherapy and immunotherapy (Yang et al, Cancer Cell 2007; Liu et al, Blood 2014; Zheng et al, J Natl Cancer Inst 2016, Bi et al, J Clin Invest 2018) in multiple myeloma or other cancers. The ideal candidate is responsible, hard-working and has the ability to work independently. For detailed information about our research, please visit:


  Required Experience: Molecular/cell biology, tumor biology, immunology, and in vivo mouse systems.

  Desired Experience: Cancer genetics

  A medical degree and/or a Ph.D. degree is required. The pay scale follows NIHguidelines ($48,432 for recent PhD graduates, with adjustments for more senior candidates). Recent PhD graduates are preferred, but all qualified candidates will be considered.

  To apply: Please send CV and contact information for 3 references to Qing Yi, MD, PhD, Associate Director, Houston Methodist Cancer Center/Research Institute, Houston Methodist, TX 77030; E-mail: qyi@houstonmethodist.org

