


天津大学是教育部直属国家重点大学,其前身为北洋大学,始建于1895年,是中国第一所现代大学,迄今已经走过了120多年的风雨历程。我校一直以“兴学强国”为己任,秉承“实事求是”的校训、“严谨治学”的校风、“爱国奉献”的传统,是1959年中共中央首批确定的16所国家重点大学之一,是“985工程”、“211工程”首批重点建设的大学。在2017年公布的 “世界一流大学和一流学科”建设高校及建设学科名单中,天津大学入围42所一流大学建设高校,且为36所A类高校之一。 
英才计划A档: 国家“青年千人计划”入选者、“万人计划”青年拔尖人才、“长江学者奖励计划”青年学者、国家“优秀青年基金”获得者(以上简称“四青”)。 
英才计划B档: 未获得“四青”称号 
(1) 职务:聘任为长聘教授 
(2) 职务:聘任为长聘副教授 
为加深申请人与天津大学的交流,学校将召开第四届 “北洋青年科学家”论坛。论坛定于2017年12月27日-30日(报名截止时间11月25日)举办。受邀人的参会旅费及论坛食宿由天津大学负责。 
化工学院 陈美珠 chenmeizhu@tju.edu.cn 022-27400950
精密仪器与光电子工程学院 倪杨 hr2@tju.edu.cn 022-87402130
建筑工程学院 张宇 jgxyzhangyu@tju.edu.cn 022-27406103
机械工程学院 韩香华 hxhua@tju.edu.cn 022-87401979
理学院 刘晓聪 tulxc@tju.edu.cn 022-27406577
材料科学与工程学院 高玉婷 mseic@tju.edu.cn 022-85356663
电气自动化与信息工程学院 姜秀莲 xljiang@tju.edu.cn 022-27405477
微电子学院 云阔 kuo.yun@tju.edu.cn 022-27405714
计算机科学与技术学院 王磊 wanglei02jsj@tju.edu.cn 022-27401091
药物科学与技术学院 刘源 liuyuan_spst@tju.edu.cn 022-87401835
环境科学与工程学院 李青坪 grassli@tju.edu.cn 022-87402076
软件学院 张维 zhangweiscs@tju.edu.cn 022-87401540
生命科学学院 卜繁旭 bufanxu@tju.edu.cn 022-27403902
应用数学中心 郭子青 mathjobs@tju.edu.cn 022-27406039
海洋科学与技术学院 赵静 tjuzhaojing@126.com 022-87370655
表层地球系统科学研究院 张逸菲 zhangyifei@tju.edu.cn 022-27405053
纳米颗粒与纳米系统国际研究中心 马雷 lei.ma@tju.edu.cn 022-87370928
医学工程与转化医学研究院 赵晶晶、
mezjj@tju.edu.cn 022-83612122
管理与经济学部 凌帅 lingshuai@tju.edu.cn 022-27401433
建筑学院 孙志鸿 arc@tju.edu.cn 022-27890420
法学院 于艳春 yuyanchun@tju.edu.cn 022-87370801
外国语言与文学学院 魏乐 weile@tju.edu.cn 022-27403691
教育学院 王志萌 zhimeng.wang@tju.edu.cn 022-27405948
马克思主义学院 梅迎春 yingchun@tju.edu.cn 022-27405348
数学学院 朱峰 maths@tju.edu.cn 022-27402850
天津大学 (http://www.tju.edu.cn
联系邮箱: pyforum@tju.edu.cn
地址:天津市津南区海河教育园区雅观路135号 300350 
天津市南开区卫津路92号 300072 
Tianjin University Faculty Recruitment 
Invitation to Young Scholars for PEIYANG Forum 
As the first modern university in China, Tianjin University (TJU) was founded in 1895 with Peiyang University being its predecessor which has gone through more than 120 years. It has been recognized nationwide and overseas for its motto of “Seeking Truth from Facts”, the ethos of “Precision in Learning and Strictness in Teaching” and the tradition of “Patriotic Dedication”. TJU was identified as one of the first batch of the 16 National Key Universities designated by the government, and it is also among the first group of higher learning institutions to be included into the “211” and “985" Projects with national investment for developing world recognized universities. In 2017, Tianjin University was selected in the country’s construction plan of “Double First-class” initiative. 
Over the years, TJU gives precedence to the field of engineering and focuses on integrating science with engineering. Disciplines including economics, business, humanities, law, and education have also been developed. Furthermore, with a focus on the major strategic demands of the nation, as well as the frontiers of world technology, it combines cultivation of talents, disciplinary development and scientific research. TJU continuously enhances its service quality and the competitiveness of its faculty, facilitating the combining of research and education, to sustain industrial development and to serve the construction of an innovation-oriented nation. 
With deepening reform of the personnel system, TJU is establishing a tenure-track system with its own characteristics. As a new campus was put into use in 2015 to pave more space for development, TJU has intensified its effort for talents attraction via Outstanding Peiyang Scholars Program. TJU provides competitive compensation and liberal academic environment with advanced administrative service. With the contribution of worldwide talents in this program, TJU aims to build a top-notch faculty team and speeds up the construction of a first-class university with top disciplines. 
TJU invites outstanding applicants for full-time positions in the following areas. 
Science and Engineering: 
Chemical Engineering and Technology, Instrument Science and Technology, Optical Engineering, Biomedical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Hydraulic Engineering, Naval and Ocean Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Power Engineering and Engineering Thermo-physics, Mechanics, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Materials Science and Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Control Science and Engineering, Information and Communication Engineering, Electronic Science and Technology, Computer Science and Technology, Pharmacy, Life Sciences, Marine Science and Technology, Environmental Science and Engineering, Food Science and Engineering, Software Engineering, Geology, Neural and Cognitive Science, Artificial Intelligence and Human-Machine Interaction, Preclinical Medicine, Clinical Medicine, Rehabilitation Medicine, Medical Imaging, Medical Engineering and Translational Medicine. 
Management, Humanities and Social Science: 
Economics, Management Science and Engineering, Business Administration, Public Administration, Architecture, Urban and Rural Planning,Landscape Architecture,Arts, Law, Language and Literature, Education, Psychology and Theory of Marxism. 
Applicants with an interdisciplinary research background and emerging discipline are encouraged to apply. 
Applicant who is not more than 40 years old, shall hold a PhD degree with great academic potentials and outstanding achievements, having overseas research experiences of at least 2 years. 
Compensation and Benefits 
The appointees of “4-National Young Professionals Program” (including “the Thousand Youth Talents Plan”/ “Chang Jiang Youth Scholars Program” / “the National Science Fund for Excellent Young Scholars”/ “the National Youth Talent Support Program”) will be granted the following benefits: 
Appointment: Full-time tenured professor 
Salary: An annual salary before tax from RMB 650,000 to 700,000 
Relocation allowance: TJU will provide RMB 500,000 (tax free). In addition, the appointee of “the Thousand Youth Talents Plan” will also be granted a relocation allowance of RMB 1 million (tax free) from the government. 
Start-up research fund: TJU will provide RMB 1.5 million for science and engineering fields and 0.3 million for humanities and social science fields. 
Other relevant policies: TJU will provide assistance for spouses employment and childrens education for appointees. 
(1)The appointee who is not entitled to the A-Class but is evaluated by TJU as a full professor (tenured), will be granted the following benefits: 
Appointment: Full-time tenured professor 
Salary: An annual salary before tax from RMB 550,000 to 600,000 
Relocation allowance: TJU will provide RMB 200,000 (tax free) .In addition, the appointee of “the Thousand Youth Talents Plan” will also be granted a relocation allowance of RMB 500,000 (tax free) from Tianjin Municipal Government. 
Start-up research fund: TJU will provide RMB 0.8 million for science and engineering fields and 0.2 million for humanities and social science fields. 
Other relevant policies: TJU will provide assistance for the education of appointee’s children. 
(2)The appointee, who is not entitled to the A-Class but is evaluated by TJU as an associate professor(tenured), will be granted the following benefits: 
Appointment: Full-time tenured associate professor 
Salary: An annual salary before tax from RMB 400,000 to 450,000 
Relocation allowance: TJU will provide RMB 100,000 (tax free). In addition, the appointee of “the Thousand Youth Talents Plan” will also be granted a relocation allowance of RMB 500,000 (tax free) from Tianjin Municipal Government. 
Start-up research fund: TJU will provide RMB 0.5 million for science and engineering fields and 0.1 million for humanities and social science fields. 
Other relevant policies: TJU will also provide assistance for the education of appointee’s children. 
Forum Arrangements 
PEIYANG Forum for Young Scholars will be held from December 27th to 30th, 2017 (the deadline for application is November 25th, 2017). The travel and accommodation expenses for the invited applicants will be covered by TJU. 
Application Procedures 
Please submit a complete application package consisting of following documents to contact person (refer to Contact Information below) before the deadline. 
(1) An application form(Download from http://hr.tju.edu.cn/zpxx/js/ ); 
(2) A detailed curriculum vitae; 
(3) A publication list and five full-text representative publications. 
Contact Information 
Schools in Tianjin University Contact Person Email Telephone Number Website
School of Chemical Engineering and Technology Meizhu Chen chenmeizhu@tju.edu.cn +86-22-27400950 http://chemeng.tju.edu.cn/
School of Precision Instrument and Opto-electronics Engineering Yang Ni hr2@tju.edu.cn +86-22-87402130 http://jyxy.tju.edu.cn/
School of Civil Engineering Yu Zhang jgxyzhangyu@tju.edu.cn +86-02-27406103 http://jgxy.tju.edu.cn/
School of Mechanical Engineering Xianghua Han hxhua@tju.edu.cn +86-22-87401979 http://tdjxxy.tju.edu.cn/
School of Science Xiaocong Liu tulxc@tju.edu.cn +86-22-27406577 http://www.tju.edu.cn/science/
School of Materials Science and Engineering Yuting Gao mseic@tju.edu.cn +86-22-85356663 http://mse.tju.edu.cn/
School of Electrical and Information Engineering Xiulian Jiang xljiang@tju.edu.cn +86-22-27405477 http://seea.tju.edu.cn/
School of Microelectronics Kuo Yun kuo.yun@tju.edu.cn +86-22-27405714 http://www.tju.edu.cn/seie
School of Computer Science and Technology Lei Wang wanglei02jsj@tju.edu.cn +86-22-27401091 http://cs.tju.edu.cn/
School of Pharmaceutical Science and Technology Yuan Liu liuyuan_spst@tju.edu.cn +86-22-87401835 http://health.tju.edu.cn/
School of Environmental Science and Engineering Qingping Li grassli@tju.edu.cn +86-22-87402076 http://www.tju.edu.cn/see/
School of Computer Software Wei Zhang zhangweiscs@tju.edu.cn +86-22-87401540 http://scs.tju.edu.cn/plus/list.php?tid=3
School of Life Sciences Fanxu Bu bufanxu@tju.edu.cn +86-22-27403902 http://www.tju.edu.cn/smxy/
Center for Applied Mathematics Ziqing Guo mathjobs@tju.edu.cn +86-22-27406039 http://cam.tju.edu.cn
School of Marine Science and Technology Jing Zhao marine@tju.edu.cn +86-22- 87370655 http://www.tju.edu.cn/marine
Institute of Surface-Earth System Science Yifei Zhang zhangyifei@tju.edu.cn +86-22-27405053 http://earth.tju.edu.cn
Tianjin International Center of Nanoparticles and NanosystemsTICNN Lei Ma Lei.ma@tju.edu.cn +86-22-87370928 http://ticnn.tju.edu.cn
Academy of Medical Engineering and Translational Medicine Biao Zhang,
Jingjing Zhao
mezjj@tju.edu.cn +86-22-83612122 -
College of Management and Economics Shuai Ling lingshuai@tju.edu.cn +86-22-27401433 http://come.tju.edu.cn/
School of Architecture Zhihong Sun arc@tju.edu.cn +86-22-27890420 http://arch.tju.edu.cn/
Law School Yanchun Yu yuyanchun@tju.edu.cn +86-22-87370801 http://www.tju.edu.cn/law/
School of Foreign Languages and Literature Le Wei weile@tju.edu.cn +86-22-27403691 http://tjufll.tju.edu.cn/
School of Education Zhimeng Wang Zhimeng.wang@tju.edu.cn +86-22-27405948 http://soe.tju.edu.cn/index.php/zh-CN/?server=1
School of Marxism Yingchun Mei yingchun@tju.edu.cn +86-22-27405348 http://marxism.tju.edu.cn/en/
Contact Persons at Office of Human Resources: 
Ms. Mingming Zhang, Ms. Yinlu Zhang, Mr. Borui Zhang 
E-mail: pyforum@tju.edu.cn 
Telephone: +86-22-27402079 
Fax: +86-22-27404177 
Address: B316, Xingsun Building, No.135 Yaguan Road, Haihe Education Park, Tianjin 300350, P.R.China 
For more information, please visit the website of Tianjin University (http://www.tju.edu.cn
For other job vacancies, please refer to the Recruitment System of Tianjin University (  




